In 1952, a dermatologist in New York City, Dr. Norman Orantreich, made the breakthrough invention of hair transplantation. Since then, dermatologists have refined and advanced the art and science of hair transplant more than any other single specialty. Dermatologists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of skin, hair, and nail diseases; they are better equipped than any other specialists to diagnose and treat hair loss. For those seeking the best hair transplant in Pakistan, it is essential to consult a qualified dermatologist. Never, under any circumstances, decide on your own that you are a candidate for hair transplantation. First and foremost, a dermatologist must confirm the cause of your hair loss. Aside from genetic predisposition, hair loss could also be a result of superficial infection or even an internal disease process. In some cases, hair can be encouraged to regrow by eliminating the underlying disease causing it. Our dermatologist and hair transplant surgeon in Lahore, Pakistan, Prof. Dr. Azim Khan, has written chapters on hair loss and hair loss treatment in the textbooks taught in medical colleges and universities internationally. During your initial consultation for hair transplant in Lahore, you will be thoroughly evaluated for the cause of hair loss in your particular case. Hair transplant in Pakistan has become the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure for men. There are many options available to get an affordable best hair transplant in Pakistan. Unfortunately, these options range from a completely unqualified wig specialist or a barely qualified doctor, to a properly trained and internationally acclaimed skilled cosmetic surgeon who specializes in hair transplants. In Pakistan, hair transplant surgery is not strictly regulated by the health ministry and can be performed by anyone, regardless of their qualifications. As a patient, it is advised that you thoroughly consider and confirm the credentials of your hair loss treatment specialist, especially when choosing a hair transplant surgeon in Pakistan.Unfortunately, many hair transplant centers in Pakistan also deceive their patients by making false claims of planting more hair, using a particular technique. Much to our surprise, these centers employ funny and ridiculous ways of charging patients for every single hair, which is only done to hide the actual cost of the hair transplant.
Hair transplant in Pakistan has now become the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure for men.There are many options available to get an affordable hair transplant in Pakistan. Horrifically, from a totally unqualified wig-specialist or a barely qualified doctor, to a properly trained and internationally acclaimed skilled cosmetic surgeon who actually specializes in hair transplant, there are many options to choose from. In Pakistan Hair transplant surgery is not strictly regulated by the health ministry, and can be confidently performed by anyone really--- qualified or not. You as a patient are advised to thoroughly consider and confirm the credentials of your Hair loss treatment specialist especially when choosing a hair transplant surgeon in Pakistan. Unfortunately, many hair transplant centers in Pakistan also cheat their patients by making false claims of planting more hair, using a particular technique and, much to our surprise, employ funny and ridiculous ways of charging them for every single hair separately. This is done only to camouflage the cost of the hair transplant.
Hair transplant in Pakistan has now become the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure for men.There are many options available to get an affordable best hair transplant in Pakistan. Horrifically, from a totally unqualified wig-specialist or a barely qualified doctor, to a properly trained and internationally acclaimed skilled cosmetic surgeon who actually specializes in hair transplant, there are many options to choose from. In Pakistan Hair transplant surgery is not strictly regulated by the health ministry, and can be confidently performed by anyone really--- qualified or not. You as a patient are advised to thoroughly consider and confirm the credentials of your Hair loss treatment specialist especially when choosing a hair transplant surgeon in Pakistan. Unfortunately, many hair transplant centers in Pakistan also cheat their patients by making false claims of planting more hair, using a particular technique and, much to our surprise, employ funny and ridiculous ways of charging them for every single hair separately. This is done only to camouflage the cost of the hair transplant.
There is no pain or very little discomfort after the surgery, and you can resume your daily activities. The patient goes home immediately after the surgery, which normally takes 5-7 hours to perform if done appropriately and with care. Some of the transplanted hairs fall out within the first three weeks, and then they start to grow in three months, continuing to grow for the rest of life.
It is very rare to see a side effect of hair transplant surgery if it is done by a properly qualified doctor. In very rare instances, they can include: bleeding, infection, swelling of the scalp or forehead, bruising around the eyes, crusting on the scalp where hair was removed or transplanted, numbness or lack of sensation on the treated areas of the scalp, itching, and inflammation or infection of the hair follicles (folliculitis). Alhamdulillah, we have not seen even a single infection in the past 12 years of our services in Pakistan, and prior to that in the United States. If proper and rigorous sterilization is performed and disposable high-quality instruments are used, then the chances of infection, Alhamdulillah, are almost close to none. We do not see the swelling caused by hair transplantation seen at most of the clinics, by the Grace of God.
Even the baldest men do not become bald on the sides and back of the head. This is because the hair on the sides and back of the head is genetically programmed "not to fall" when a male hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone) attacks them. This is a normal hormone present in humans. Only the front/top hair in those who have a family history of baldness on the father or mother side of the family gets baldness, as in these individuals, the frontal hair will die in response to the DHT hormone, sometime after puberty. Baldness can start at any age after puberty, and for most men with a family history of baldness, it can start as early as their early 20's. In very severe cases, these individuals can become totally bald in their 30's. Even in these individuals, the back and sides of the scalp/head will remain unaffected. For those looking for the best hair transplant in Pakistan, we take these resistant, healthy hairs and transplant them to the front of the balding head. They continue to grow here for the rest of life, as they would normally have done in their original place, i.e., the back of the head.