Leprosy, also known as Hansen's Disease, is a chronic infectious disease primarily affecting the skin, nerves, and mucous membranes. It is caused by the Mycobacterium leprae bacterium and is one of the oldest known diseases in human history. While leprosy is a treatable condition, it still exists in many parts of the world, including Pakistan.
At Institute Cosmetique, we offer a Leprosy Training Course in Lahore that aims to equip healthcare professionals with the essential knowledge and skills required to diagnose, treat, and manage leprosy cases. Our comprehensive course covers various aspects of leprosy, including its causes, symptoms, stages, and treatment options. The training is designed for doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers interested in improving their understanding of this disease and learning how to manage patients effectively.
Leprosy is an infectious disease that primarily affects the skin, peripheral nerves, and mucous membranes. It can cause skin lesions, numbness, and nerve damage. The disease progresses slowly and may lead to permanent disability if left untreated. Early diagnosis and treatment with multi-drug therapy (MDT) can completely cure leprosy and prevent its spread. Awareness and education are key to eradicating this disease, and our training program ensures that healthcare professionals are well-equipped to combat leprosy in their communities.
Join us at Institute Cosmetique and become a part of the solution in the fight against leprosy.