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Best Childhood eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) Treatment in Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Pakistan

Best Childhood Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis Treatment Options

There are different kinds of "skin allergies". Skin allergy is usually called as "eczema" or scientifically named as "dermatitis". Dermatitis simply means "inflammation of the skin". In childlhood eczema, infants and children start to get very dry, red and itchy skin especially in their skin folds like neck fold, elbow fold or behind the knees. In severe cases most of the body can get involved. The term used medically for this condition is "Atopic Dermatitis". Kids and adults affected with this condition become very irritable and the condition makes them stay up all night in worst cases. The condition usually starts during the first couple of years of life and most of the children grow out of this condition by the time they are 10-12 years old, but some stay on to develop lifelong illness of atopic dermatitis, although such cases are fewer, thank God. The kids suffering from this condition usually have a family history in which a family member has a history of similar skin condition or eczema, nasal allergies or hay fever (sneezing, cough and fever in hay season). To learn more about different kinds of "Eczemas" please visit a wonderful resource, website of National Eczema Foundation in the United States/a> by clicking here.

Childhood Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis Treatment

It is extremely important to get the proper evaluation of the eczema your child or you have, before a proper treatment plan can be recommended. Most of the children who have dry, flaky and irritated pink or red skin on the above mentioned body areas are diagnosed as "Atopic Dermatitis" or childhood eczema. These children run a little higher risk of having asthma and nasal allergies as well and thus we inform the parents of such children to be constantly in touch with their pediatrician to treat other related ailments like nasal allergies, should they develop, immediately. Also, the skin of childhood eczema patients has minute cracks in it called scientifically as "micro fissures' and is amenable to the penetration of allergy causing chemicals and substances in the environment. Therefore, we chart out a detailed plan for the prevention of the eczema attacks, once eczema subsides, by the Grace of Allah Almighty. Alhamdulillah, we are the best skin specialists in Pakistan to take care of childhood eczema patients and our treatment meets or exceeds international standards of care in every aspect.

Eczema Treatment in Lahore Pakistan

Eczema is generally a broad term typically used to describe an extensive range of several non-contagious skin conditions, including inflammation and red patches. Some of the most common signs and symptoms of eczema are red, itchy, and dry skin patches that usually occur when the immune system of individuals overreacts to any particular irritant. However, eczema is often chronic in both men and women, meaning that it can recure and disappear anytime in life. Two of the most common kinds of such a skin condition that require immediate eczema treatment in Lahore Pakistan from a reliable skin specialist are: • Eczema dermatitis • Dyshidrotic eczema Both these mainly affect 10-20% of the world’s population, particularly in their childhood. Generally, eczema can occur on almost any part of the body without distinction. But it primarily affects the exposed body regions like the face, hands, elbows, knees, ankles, neck, and many more. Often it starts itching initially, followed by the development of a red itchy patch which is later rubbed or scratched. For this major reason, many skin specialists call eczema “The itch that rashes,” requiring proper treatment as soon as possible.

How do dermatologists diagnose eczema?

As eczema is often seen appearing in response to an allergic reaction, or it can also occur due to allergic trigger exposure, your concerned skin specialist may initially take a small skin biopsy for lab testing. In addition, he may also conduct some allergy tests to figure out the allergic reaction and response. However, if eczema is confirmed to be present, your dermatologist may order some additional allergy tests to figure out the eczema causing trigger for you.

Why should one go for eczema treatment in Lahore, Pakistan?

Eczema is a frustrating skin condition that affects several individuals either every day or a few times a year. Therefore, it is crucial to take good care of your skin with a professional skin specialist to make a plan that will significantly help you control the rash and itch. Typically, the main goals of eczema treatment in Lahore are as follows: 1. Heal the skin 2. Prevent skin flares 3. Avoid skin infections 4. Control itchiness 5. Reduce skin redness However, the right eczema treatment in Lahore, Pakistan, depends on your medical history, age, skin conditions, and how bad your symptoms are. Probably, you will require a mix f several home remedies and medical treatments to get the best results of clear skin.

Possible Eczema Treatments in Lahore, Pakistan

Till now, no proper cure for eczema has been discovered. Instead, the treatment options available for it are merely to reduce or eliminate its signs and symptoms to some extent. Additionally, by relieving you from itching and skin redness, the skin specialists may significantly help you prevent various skin infections resulting from scratching. That is why the most common eczema treatment in Lahore, Pakistan, mainly includes creams and lotions primarily geared and meant to keep the skin moist and hydrated the whole day long. Also, a dermatologist may suggest using ice packs or cold compressors o control severe itching in a few cases.

Eczema Medications

Moreover, the first line of eczema treatment in Lahore, Pakistan, also involves a few over-the-counter medications like • Hydrocortisone • Special medicated shampoos • Antihistamines and many more to reduce itching Furthermore, a few general healthcare physicians may also prescribe a few oral medications or corticosteroids and strong topical creams or lotions having corticosteroids in them. However, in severe cases where an individual suffering from eczema has already caught any other infection because of rubbing or scratching the affected area, the physician may even prescribe some oral contraceptives and antibiotics to control the infection.

Other Popular Options of Eczema Treatment in Lahore, Pakistan

Some other prevalent treatment options for eczema generally include using • tar products to reduce skin itching • the drug cyclosporine • light therapy, and many more, especially for individuals who do not respond to initial topical treatments. Moreover, in a few severe cases, the physicians may also recommend a particular class of drugs called the “immunomodulators” to control the reactions of one’s immune system thought to be triggered by eczema. However, they are a highly potent option reserved for only those men and women who do not get rid of eczema despite having all other eczema treatments in Lahore, Pakistan.

Prof. Dr. Azim Jahangir Khan

Alhamdulillah, the worldwide renowned Prof. Dr. Azim Jahangir Khan, is considered one of the best dermatologists or skin specialists to provide the best allergy or eczema treatment in Lahore, Pakistan. Currently, he is serving at the Cosmetique clinic with all his expertise and experience in skin specialization. People from all over the world can easily approach him for skin conditions like eczema to get them treated as soon as possible. Alhamdulillah, Prof. Dr. Azim Khan is considered to be the best skin specialist / dermatologist in Lahore, Pakistan to provide the best eczema or allergy treatment in Lahore, Pakistan. .

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