Before you look for a doctor or clinic for best weight loss treatment in Lahore, Pakistan, make yourself understand that only a well qualified doctor who understands and specializes in the whole body (Internal Medicine) including the medical causes of weight gain and obesity, as well as understands the implications of weight gain on ones personality and cosmetic appearance can best provide the guidance and treatment of obesity. Our team of obesity experts who specialize in the management of obesity include internists (medical specialists), liposuction surgeons, gastric ballooning experts, sleeve gastrectomy experts, nutritional experts and dietitians as a whole team. We have one of the largest and most integrated team of expert to deal with obesity in Pakistan and we ensure that not only all the necessary steps that need to be taken to accomplish the weight loss in a specific patient is well coordinated at the Institute but also, any specialist who is not available at our institute but deemed necessary, will be arranged by our expert obesity management team to make your weight loss journey as seamless as possible.
We do understand and accept the challenges of not only weight loss struggle but also the re-challenge of weight regain after the weight loss, that many people experience if not followed up closely. Thus we emphasize that the single most important thing in this fight against obesity is a close coordination with your weight loss team at Institute Cosmetique. When we start the journey of weight loss we feel the hardest challenge will be actually losing the hard earned weight (pun intended, well you didn’t gain weight overnight did you?). Losing weight is hard but what’s hardest is maintaining that lost weight in coming months and years, and it occurs not only because one loses the initial will power or the effort but it may be also be your biology that you will need to fight against throughout this battle. Once your body recognizes that you are trying to limit your calories, it goes into "famine" mode or calorie conserving mode trying to protect the greatest source of energy - "the fat". Once you understand this concept then your struggle to fight off obesity becomes much easier, as these plateaus in weight will not dishearten you. Knowing that some time intervals of "non weight loss" do come during your weight loss treatment will not let you disappoint when it occurs. Keeping in view these simple yet powerful strategies will make your search for best weight loss treatment in Lahore, Pakistan, much more fruitful, as you will be in a better position to select the best weight loss specialist in Lahore, Pakistan .
We have all seen or heard all those “Transformational” stories of people in TV commercials losing weight some "miracle diet" or "miracle pill, drops or sachets", and we are lured to believe that with this minimal intervention a miracle will happen without a well coordinated and planned effort to lose the excess body weight. After hearing such claims one immediately tries to search clinic for the best weight loss treatment in Lahore, Pakistan. But did you ever wonder how exactly will it be accomplished by those who make these false claims? Or what happens after people achieve their goal of a specific weight by participating in a "crash diet" or "keto diet" program? After months of non-stop efforts, does that ideal weight remain the same way in a longer run? We bet these success stories don’t show us that part nor do they show the real impact of losing weight and the impact of losing fat. on one's appearance and beauty. The stretched and loose skin, sagging breasts, loose jewels, flabby abdomen and an overall aged look that comes within a few months after one starts losing weight aggressively. What true implications the weight loss has on a body and ultimately the psychological health of that person are usually neglected by most, if not all such weight loss programs.
Intensive Lifestyle interventions including behavioral changes around dieting & physical exercise are foundation to the sucessful weight loss process. These interventions might include various medications, surgical or non-surgical procedures, since they are crucial in producing weight loss that is connected with various health benefits and various medical cost savings. But the two additional points mentioned above must be taken into consideration. One, the weight loss must not make you look older as the overall fat loss causes fat loss on the face too - making you look older in many contenders of weight loss. We generally address that aggressively by implementing anti-aging minimally invasive or non-surgical procedures like fillers and skin tightening technologies like Radiofrequency (Radiate or Thermage) and highly Intense Focused ultrasound to name a few. second problem is the psychological well being and the support one may need from time to time on a constant basis to fight against obesity. Alhamdulillah we provide both of these supports 24/7 365 days a year to our clientele.
Talking about how a patient feels after weight loss, surely extremely happy and joyous and sort of in a “know-it-all” state of mind on how to not gain weight. But what they do not understand is, apart from psychological changes they face biologic & physiologic changes during their weight-loss state which they fail to conceive and that is what drives the weight regain.
This is exactly why we get to see the same weight loss patients regain weight, and that’s demoralizing in itself and very common for such patients to blame their own resolve . That’s precisely why it is of utmost importance to understand the biologic defense system of body fat mass, to understand the fat regain occurrence and an essential step in helping such patients to maintain long-term results of weight-loss. So far even the best lifestyle interventions related to weight regain, usually observed after 1 year. When we add any type of physical activity with diet, it gives more optimal results than diet alone. Even then, diet alone or diet along with exercise, both are challenged by weight regain. To prove that fact over 20 studies were done on “long-term weight loss” and found that more than half of the lost weight is regained within 2 years and almost 80% of the lost weight is gained back in 5 years. Isn’t that a mood damper! To understand the phenomenon more first of all we need to know about the gut hormones that derive Hunger & Satiety called Leptin & Ghrelin Hormones. Some of you might have already heard of them, so to simplify the understanding, Leptin hormone decreases your hunger (increase feeling of fullness) while Ghrelin hormone increases hunger (now you know the real villain). The problem is when we lose weight these hormones too, change. For example many research studies showed that when a person is in process of losing weight, they are also in process of losing their Leptin hormone levels. The study further elaborated that in 10 weeks, body loses almost 13% of weight but Leptin hormone levels (remember the one telling your brain that you’re full?) is also lost up to 64% and even after slight and even when your weight loss average lowers to 8% in 62 weeks, Leptin hormone still is reduced to 35%. Don’t forget when Leptin levels fall, your body feels starved. So with the decrease of Leptin levels, their Ghrelin level increase of course because it’s the hunger hormone, its making you feel hungry because the signal your brain is receiving is “starvation mode on”. So the patient takes more food intake. So not so surprisingly, the study found to have an increase in patient’s appetite due to weight loss. So a weight loss patient is out of the frying pan but into the fire because now they have changes both in appetite or food intake regulation and energy expenditure that was favoring weight regain. (So much for the best weight loss treatment in Lahore, Pakistan)Now we have to understand and believe the fact that the more time passes the more behavioural changes are taking place, the physical activities are getting lesser and lesser, changes in eating habits and food itself, excessive mobile usage, computer games, even global warming all these changes in our environment play a key role in promoting obesity and it creates an “obesogenic environment”. This is not to say that we don’t have some “Successful Losers” too who have maintained weight loss over 10 years too as per data provided by National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), which was founded in 1993 to identify successful losers or what we call weight-loss maintainers and study the strategies that were used to achieve and maintain weight loss. You want the best weight loss treatment in Lahore, Pakistan? Now you know where to look and what to look at. .
According to one of the most professional and experienced doctors in Lahore, Pakistan, Prof. Dr. Azim Jahangir Khan, serving at Cosmetique clinic: It is a prevalent story of gaining weight among many people. Nevertheless, an individual's weight is directly related to their diet and the extent of physical activities they do in their routine lifestyle.
In fact, a comprehensive lifestyle intervention, which means behavioral changes in a person's diet and physical activity routine, is primarily considered the central foundation of various weight loss efforts. That, too, perhaps sometimes includes the addition of medicines, devices, drugs, or surgical treatments. Somehow, such interventions have exhibited reliable weight loss results typically associated with several other health advantages and medical cost savings.
Therefore, the Cosmetique clinic patients are delighted and feel better after getting the best weight loss treatment in Lahore, Pakistan. Also, they know how to avoid regaining weight and what to do if they become overweight at any stage of their lives. Especially in the state when they have reduced their body weight, most patients experience notable physiological and biological changes that can't usually be perceived easily by individuals but do play a significant role in driving weight regain.
Thus, at Cosmetique clinic, the best skin specialists in Lahore, Pakistan, carefully check patients and understand their health and aesthetic concerns. After that, they determine the most deserving and inexorable body region for weight loss. And then treat the patients accordingly while presenting the best weight loss treatment in Lahore, Pakistan.
What is it that Cosmetique does that results in the best weight loss treatment in Lahore, Pakistan? Here’s why. At Cosmetique we believe that weight loss is a long term treatment strategy and thus we ensure and believe to maintain contact over the time period with the weight loss patients. Comprehensive lifestyle interventions need maintenance too. So our goal is to ensure our weight loss patients understand that they’re in for a long haul. Losing weight isn’t the key, it is rather more important to maintain it, especially while going thorough, biological, physiological & psychological and hormonal changes that start to occur with the weight loss. We believe obesity is a disease and it should be treated and taken as seriously as a disease. Patients need to understand the challenges of this tough journey. They need to be motivated, given strict yet practical and easy dietary approaches, latest medications and supplements and if and when needed the surgical interventions. The failures and the disappointments should be taken as the part of this journey. Most of all we don’t let the patient blame themselves of weight regain because it is most definitely not their will power, it is their biology. That’s what they need to understand. If we make them understand the biology of weight regain after weight loss, we can easily intervene the challenge of weight regain even before it happens. So next time you search for the best weight loss treatment in Lahore, Pakistan, you need to know what you’re searching for. You need a permanent guide who can literally do handholding at every step of your journey of successful weight loss InshAllah so that you can take this challenge of weight loss, head on. We can proudly say that at Institute Cosmetique, we offer you the best weight loss treatment in Lahore, Pakistan that can be matched with some of the best centers in the world. Please call our UAN 03-111-077-111 to make an appointment at one of our three locations (Gulberg, DHA or Johar Town) in Lahore with one of our obesity experts.