Anatomy of the face & neck Overview of facial musculature Aging of the skin Procedure The indications of the face, which can be treated effectively with HIFU HIFU Pre-Treatment Protocols HIFU Post-Treatment Protocols Demonstration of the procedure on a patient Hands on training
1. Anatomy of the Face & neck 2. Overview of facial musculature 3. Indications and consent 4. Selection of patient 5. Facial areas that can be treated with HIFU a.Jowls b.Turkey neck’ sagging under chin c.Droopy mouth d.Cheeks e.Drooping Eyebrows f.Thin skin g.Creepy, wrinkly skin h.Fine lines i.Wrinkles j.Sagging skin on the belly, arms, knees, legs k.Crow’s feet l.Forehead wrinkles 6. Body tightening with HIFU 7. Complications 8. Advice pearls 9. Demonstration on HIFU
1. One to one individualized training on patient 2. Performing under supervision