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Lip Beautification with Skin Fillers

A non-surgical way to get plumper lips with sharp borders

Over time lips loose volume and give the feel of �disappearing lips�, especially the upper lips are affected more than the lower ones. This loss of volume gives an older look to the lips and reduces the surface area for lipstick application. It is a common complaint to see the lipstick �bleed through� the fine lines around and at the edges of the aging lips. To enhance the appearance of the lips, dermal fillers, especially hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane� and Juvederm�, can be safely injected into the lip line and give a younger and �plumper� look to the lips. Also, in some patients the lip borders become less sharp with age. Very fine dermal fillers can be used for this purpose. This procedure is also performed in the clinic and takes only a few minutes. There is no downtime and patients can return to their normal activity immediately.

Before & After